The Offbeat

Line Friends

Line is a instant messaging system that is very popular throughout Asia and in particular Japan where it began in 2011. The system was developed as a disaster response tool after the damage to telecommunication infrastructure during the Tohoku earthquake.

musical fuel truck

Japan’s musical fuel trucks

If you ever spend time in Japan you may notice that there are some things that are done just a bit differently. Sometimes this is due to habits that date back centuries or just because a necessity brings out a unique solution to a situation only found in Japan. One of these unique things you see roaming the streets is what looks like a mobile petrol bowser attached to a small truck.

Hello Kitty Construction Barier

Cute Construction Barriers

In most places around the world when there are road works you can expect to see a few orange witches hats and a barrier, but not in Japan, they make things a bit more fun and interesting in an effort for the road teams to be excused for any inconvenience caused by the roadworks.

Cute Culture

Cute Culture

The Japanese are enthralled with cute characters on just about everything. Known as cute or “Kawaii” culture, many businesses have a cute mascot and soft…



If you are visiting the youth areas like Tokyo’s Akihabara and Harajuku or Osaka’s Amerika-Mura, it won’t be long before you come across Cosplay. Cosplay…

Line friends

Japanese Cartoon Characters

Any first time visitor to Japan may experience a bit of cuteness overload as it is quite common for Japanese companies, the government and even…


Advertising Tissues

On many of the high traffic areas, especially around Shibuya and Shinjuku, tissue packs are an fascinating form of advertising. These small plastic packages covered…

Karoke Bar


Karaoke is one of Japan’s most popular entertainment pastimes, with over 50 million people enjoying the fun at over 15,000 karaoke box buildings throughout Japan….


Sumo Wrestling

Sumo wrestling is a competition contact sport where two usually giant wrestlers or rikishi, battle in a circular area. The sport is more than just…

Dog cafe

Dog Cafe

Seeing a sign that reads Dog Cafe, you might be alarmed and think, Oh No they are eating Fido, well that couldn’t be any further…